Q: I am a total beginner can I join?

Definitely! Swimming is for everyone; as long as you are willing to give it a try we will be there to help you.

Q: I already know how to swim but want to improve my timing. Can you help me to swim faster?

Definitely! At Kaizen Aquatics, we believe in continuous improvement no matter what level you are. We believe in improving stroke techniques to a point where it does not become the limiting factor in swimming performance. We also believe in providing the swimmer the relevant information on training and technical knowledge to equip the swimmer with the knowledge to improve continuously after completing our 4 step approach.

Q: I want to take part in a Triathlon race but swimming is my weakest sport. How can you help?

Usually stroke technique is the area which is most lacking for triathletes. At Kaizen Aquatics we believe that everyone can and will be able to complete the Sprint / Olympic / Ironman swim distance not only comfortably, but also with a competitive time.

To provide further support for improving swimming performances in the sea, Kaizen Aquatics also conducts open sea swim clinics and workshops to provide swimmers with the technical knowledge to handle sea conditions and also opportunities to practice under supervision. Our sea swim clinics are conducted for groups smaller than 5 persons with on-shore video analysis to provide feedback to our triathletes.

Q: Can I arrange for personal (1-to-1) lessons at my preferred location?

Yes you can, just drop us an email or give us a call to arrange for your preferred time and location.

Q: What do I need to bring?

You only need to bring your swim goggles and swim attire. All additional equipment needed for stroke correction, drill facilitation and stroke analysis will be provided by Kaizen Aquatics.

Q: How long is each lesson?

Each session lasts between 1 to 1.5 hours. This varies according to the pedagogical needs of each session.

Q: I have some medical problems (e.g. a back problems, knee injuries etc.), can I still learn swimming?

Yes! However, we advise that you request for a full medical examination or go for a comprehensive health screening and seek clearance with a medical doctor before embarking on any physical sports activity. Nonetheless, we also believe that swimming is a low impact sport when proper methods and techniques are used thus having a lower risk of injury.

Q: What happens if I cannot make it for one lesson?

Kaizen Aquatics believes in giving maximum flexibility to all its swimmers. There is no charge for missed lessons if 1 day in advance notice is provided.

Q: What is the average number of swimmers in the group classes?

The average number of swimmers per group class is 4.

Q: What is the duration for kids lessons

45 minutes, as optimum attention span for children lasts between 35-45 minutes.

Q: How large are the group classes

On average there are 4 kids in a class and we limit the class size to 5.

Q: Are there make up lessons for kids who cant make it?

Yes, it can be arranged but it will be out of goodwill and subject to availability.

Q: How old before my child can start taking lessons?

There is no minimum age, however, it is recommended that kids start after age of 2 years old, as they would have already developed the ability to understand basic instructions and have a greater control over their motor movements.

Q: Is it recommended to have 1 to 1 sessions for kids?

Kids, unlike adults learn better with more interaction and some competition. At Kaizen Aquatics, we use games to increase the level of fun and enhance the learning process. These methods allow the kids to enjoy the learning process. We do this through a series of games and challenges, following the pedagogy commonly known as Games Concept Approach (GCA).